
Cider & Perry News

Watchet's Pebbles Tavern named Somerset's Best Cider & Perry Pub for 10th year in a row

Watchet watering hole Pebbles Tavern marks a decade of being the best cider pub in Somerset after winning CAMRA (Campaign for Real Ale) award for the 10th consecutive time.

Winning the award for the 10th year shows the quality of the ciders on supply. Each one is produced using all natural recipes with no added chemicals, and always locally in Somerset, some from a brewery just 400m down the road and the furthest up to an hour’s drive away from the historical seaside town.

Click this link for the full article in the Somerset County Gazette:

Silver Award for Hecks Perry at Portsmouth & South East Hants CAMRA Winter Beer & Cider Festival 2024

The award is for Heck's Perry which won Silver in the "Perry of the Festival" competition. The full results are on their branch website -

New Kid on the Cider Block

Since The Top Ship Inn in Porlock boasted that they were the only pub in the village stocking Porlock Vale Cider! "A lovely local, medium, 6% traditional cider"! it has popped up in Pebbles Tavern and The Esplanade Club in Watchet. Look out for it. Well recommended.

Probably The Best Bar in the World?

I often wonder if I’ve found the best bar in the world. It’s one of life’s missions. Probably the main one.

The Mitre in Buckingham was quite high in the league.

Matso’s steamy corrugated iron brewery in Broome, at the wild tropical top of Western Australia, has to be a serious contender.

Then there’s Bar Bistro L’Hedrera, up the winding mountain road in the little hill town of Benimaurell. Ten minutes from home in Spain. Here after a scorching day you can soak up frosty cold beer in the kind of unassuming authenticity that evades affluence, and gaze at views fashionable rich people would queue up to pay through the nose for. If only they knew.

But today Pebbles Tavern, in the muddy brown Bristol Channel harbour town of Watchet, is the pinnacle of perfection.

If I was asked to identify my own personal Friday night nirvana, this would be it. Supping Secret Orchard cider from Nettlecombe, to wash down a couple of pints of well hopped local beer and the chips from next door.

With the backdrop of a brilliant unheard of band. On the road and sleeping in a van - but playing three feet in front of my face.

This is the stuff heaven is made of.

And nobody would ever dare franchise it.

Thank you Pebbles Tavern in Watchet.

And thank you this evening to the remarkable shouty folk minstrel Steve Pledger, who isn’t unheard of…but in the intimacy of Pebbles Tavern, it seemed that way.

Pebbles Tavern does it again - Somerset Cider Pub of the Year 2023

On Saturday 25th March 2023 Phil Emond presented Dean Manly in Pebbles Tavern in Watchet with his certificate.

Pebbles Tavern Cider Pub of the Year 2023

Checkout their comprehensive range of cider, perry and real ales.

Pebbles Tavern in Watchet Cider & Real Ale Menu

CAMRA Campaigner of the Year is The Ciderologist

2022 Winner: Gabe Cook

Gabe is The Ciderologist and teaches Pommelier courses through The Beer and Cider Academy – through which he’s also negotiated discounts for CAMRA Members!

He’s worked closely with CAMRA’s Campaigns Team on our alcohol duty submission regarding cider and perry and supported our calls for cider duty to be reformed and led on the 50% minimum juice campaign that CAMRA launched – widely welcomed by cider and perry makers.

His book “Modern British Cider” included 101 cider and perry makers. A copy was sent to each MP who had one of the featured makers in their constituency. This ensured the message about CAMRA’s campaigning for cider and perry was heard and understood at the highest levels. This was CAMRA’s first Kickstarter funded book and through Gabe’s presence on social media and appeals for support, the application met its target in just 48 hours.

While repeatedly appearing on Sunday Brunch (C4), Gabe mentioned CAMRA’s support of cider and perry. He was part of the @discovercider relaunch during 2020 of cider and perry that linked him up with organisations such as Cider is Wine and The Orchard Project.

Online cider and perry tasting was a big thing in 2020 and 2021 with Gabe front and centre supporting the industry and bringing new journalists to cider and perry.

New members are now joining CAMRA due to Gabe and our support of cider and perry – and there are more cider and perry clubs than before lockdown.

Pebbles Tavern is Runner Up in CAMRA’s National Cider & Perry Pub of the Year Award 2022

The Hop Inn in Hornchurch has won CAMRA’s National Cider & Perry Pub of the Year Award, which recognises the best pub or club that promotes and encourages the sale of quality real cider and perry across the country.

The award will come as no surprise to regulars, with the micropub boasting at least ten real ciders and perries on tap. It’s owned by Phil Cooke and Alison Taffs. Alison is a drinks educator and an advocate for cider, having recently set up the London Cider & Perry Club to help foster interest in and knowledge of this special drink.

Alison & Phil said: “We are absolutely thrilled to win the national Cider & Perry Pub of the Year competition! The Hop Inn is small and fairly new, having opened in 2019 and going straight into a pandemic. The last few years have been tough, so to receive this accolade is quite amazing for us and our small team.

Alison added: “I know how good real cider and perry can be, and I want it to be viewed with the same enthusiasm & respect that we see across other drink categories. We have so many talented producers in this country who are creating things that are just extraordinary, and I love sharing these amazing drinks with our visitors.”

CAMRA’s Competition Co-ordinator, Sarah Newson said: “It is a huge achievement for any pub or club to win such a major accolade. Its success is a testament to the hard work and dedication that Alison has put in towards bringing cider to the table.

“The Hop Inn was chosen by judges not only because the staff were very knowledgeable about real cider and perry, but also because they felt like regulars upon entering. With an incredibly warm welcome and a large range of real ciders and perries served at top quality and temperature, the Hop Inn really was the clear winner in this competition.”

The Hop Inn in Hornchurch will be presented with the award on Friday 30th September at about 1:30 pm kicking off the start of CAMRA’s Cider Month promotion in October, which celebrates this unique drink during the harvest season.

Other finalists in the competition were The King’s Ditch in Tamworth (, Pebbles Tavern in Watchet, West Somerset ( and the Queen’s Head in Allens Green, Hertfordshire (

Pebbles Tavern is SW Cider Pub of the Year (Yet Again)

On Saturday 10th September 2022 Dean Manley at Pebbles Tavern in Watchet was presented with the South West CAMRA Cider Pub of the Year Award for 2022.

Presentation to Pebbles Tavern for SW Cider Pub of the Year 2022

The Ciderologist visits Watchet

Nick from Watchet Cider reports: During a wonderful street market on Watchet Esplanade on 20/08/2022 we had the absolute pleasure of welcoming The Ciderologist Mr Gabe Cook ( and family on their first visit to Watchet! He sampled our cider and visited the infamous cider lovers Mecca Pebbles Tavern. It was an absolute pleasure to meet him.

Rich's Cider Farm opens new Farm Shop

Their super new Farm Shop officially opened on the 1st July 2022 and to celebrate they have a selection of our new #Local suppliers alongside their own range of Ciders’s at their tasting bar! See

Established in 1954, there have been many changes since Gordon Rich started pressing cider apples at Mill Farm, although essentially the production of the juice is still traditional. They are a family run business producing traditional farmhouse cider and farm pressed apple juice, with locally harvested Somerset apples.

The Cider farm is a traditional working farm where you can visit and sample all our cider’s, before you buy. They also have a seventy seat restaurant that serves fresh locally produced, fresh home cooked food daily, and caters for Vegetarian and food allergies. Their Restaurant holds a 4.5 star rating on trip advisor.

Rich’s Cider won an award from Sedgemoor County Council, in recognition of their accomplishments regarding disability access: The whole site is Disabled friendly, including the shop, restaurant and toilet facilities.

Rich’s Cider Farm is at Watchfield, Highbridge, Somerset, TA9 4RD, which is close to Junction 22 on the M5.

Pebbles Tavern gets Somerset Cider Pub of the Year 2022 Award

CAMRA Somerset Cider Pub of the Year 2014/2015/2016/2017/2018/2019/2020/2022!

The 'quirky' micropub that is by far the most highly rated in Somerset on TripAdvisor.

"If you like pubs with something a bit different about them, check this place out".

A tiny micropub in Somerset has been lauded as "a cider drinker's paradise", "a little gem" and "an awesome place" by online reviewers.

Pebbles Tavern in Watchet is by far the most highly rated pub in the county on review website TripAdvisor.

The small red-fronted pub has an overall rating of five stars from 357 separate reviewers (in February 2022).

The unassuming tavern, most loved for it's big selection of ciders, often features live music performances.


Wassailing at Carhampton on 17th January 2022

Chatterwood Cider from Bicknoller Launched for Christmas 2021

Ben Allen from Pebbles Tavern and The Carew Arms recommends Chatterwood Cider. Some of the nicest cider I’ve tasted in a long time. 6.2% abv & a 5 year vintage dry! Full bodied without being too heavy. In fact it’s very crisp & light so I’m gonna have to be careful tonight! Thanks Tim for the special delivery. Only available at The Carew Arms in Crowcombe, The Farmer’s Arms in Combe Florey & Pebbles Tavern in Watchet! All ready for a truly Somerset Christmas!

Chatterwood is also where Patriot Brewery will be producing beer when time allows. At the moment it is mothballed.

Somerset cider producer awarded a CAMRA Golden Award

On Tuesday 16th November 2021 an 8 strong CAMRA team enjoyed a visit to West Croft Cider to present cider maker John Harris with his Golden Award certificate. West Croft Cider of Highbridge is one of only 50 winners.

As part of its anniversary celebrations throughout 2021, CAMRA is recognising people, groups of people or businesses that have made a significant contribution to CAMRA’s aims, helping us get to where we are today.

Nominations for the Golden Awards were made by CAMRA members and overseen by its national Awards Committee.

West Croft Cider is a traditional cider maker based in Brent Knoll near Highbridge, Somerset.

Commenting on the award, CAMRA’s Southwest Regional Director Peter Bridle said “West Croft have produced great farmhouse cider for many years and, in its 50th year, CAMRA is delighted to recognise this as a part of its Golden Awards winners.

West Croft has won the national CAMRA Champion Cider of Great Britain competition for its Janet’s Jungle Juice on several occasions which reflects its quality.

So this award is to West Croft Cider for being a multiple national CAMRA award winner and going above and beyond in delivering cider making excellence over the years.

Members of Somerset CAMRA and the South West Regional Director were at West Croft Cider on Tuesday 16th November 2021 to hand over the Golden Award certificate and sample some of the prize winning cider.

West Croft Cider, Highbridge, Somerset Get CAMRA Golden Award

West Croft Cider, Highbridge, Somerset have been awarded a CAMRA Golden Award, nominated by our members.

West Croft Cider is a traditional cider farm, located at the foot of Brent Knoll and within reach of Burnham-on-Sea and Brean. Established by John Harris 5 years ago, the award-winning ciders have a reputation that reaches far and wide.

Golden Award September 2021.

West Croft Cider is one of the very few pure juice, craft cider makers left in the Country. It's time to taste Real Cider direct from the farm! Only traditional varieties of Somerset cider apples are used in our cider like Kingston Black, Brown Snout, Sheep's Nose and Yarlington Mill. We do not use dessert or culinary apples, sugar or concentrate.

For all West Croft and Janet's Jungle Juice Cider enquiries contact John Harris at the farm or on: 01278 760762.

As part of its 50th anniversary celebrations, CAMRA is recognising people, groups of people or businesses that have made a significant contribution to CAMRA's aims, helping us get to where we are today. Winners in the 'Pints' category have been chosen due to having gone above and beyond in delivering excellence or innovation over the years.

Online ordering is not an option as their last Facebook post was January 2020 and says "Well me dears, after another fantastic Wassail (our 25th!), our thanks go out to all the crew, performers and of course all you customers that turned up for a wonderfull apple fueled evening.

We have decided to leave the world wide wossname and concentrate on the real world. Internexit is looming, on the 31st of January 2020 we will be closing the website and leaving the world of anti-social media. Many thanks to all our cyber cider customers.

Don't panic we will still be doing mail order over the phone, just call John on 01278 760762, and he'll be happy to send your order to you. Cheers me dears!"

Wassailing at the Butchers Arms in Carhampton

January 17th is “old” Twelfth Night – when the calendar was altered in the Eighteenth Century, some events kept to their original day rather than moving with the new calendar and the Wassailing at Carhampton is one such event. There is a Wassail at the Community Orchard first then another crowd gathers in the orchard next to the pub, around the Old Apple Tree; toast soaked in cider is put in the branches for the robins at both events while cider is poured over its roots, all to encourage the tree to produce a good crop the following harvest. Wassailing carols are sung, shotguns are fired to awaken the tree spirits, a bonfire is lit and a good time is had by all! As a rare survivor (as opposed to a revival or new wassail) this event is often used as a model for others, and has been highly influential in the modern wassailing scene. Hot cider is on offer both at the Orchard and at the pub, and sandwiches were given out at the Orchard.

Helpful Hints 2021 is yet to be confirmed.

When 17th falls on a Sunday (as it did in 2016) the event moves to Saturday 16th instead as the Wassail is a pagan festival. This won’t happen again for some years.

After the Community Orchard Wassail there’s time to get drinks in at the pub before their own event begins – bonfire fans might want to make their way quickly into the orchard behind the pub as the fire is lit around 7.30 and left to burn for 20 minutes or so before the wassailing begins.

Food and accomodation available at the Butchers Arms.

Click here for the orchard website :

and Facebook page:

and here for the pub’s Facebook page:

Could Somerset Cider be the Vaccine we need?

Somerset Cider Maker Roger Wilkins claims to have found the answer to Covid-19.

Cider – it has a story to tell

Bewit is the Dinnington Docks own Cider, produced less than a mile from the pub by the Dinnington Cider Press, from Apples that come from their own orchard or just over the road from a neighbouring orchard. So, we should start by explaining the name – why Bewit?

Dinnington means the settlement of the Dynne’s people, and back in 1086 the manor was held by Siward the falconer, much later in the 1500’s it became part of the Poulett manor… bear with me… So, our pub crest features feathers, they are in recognition of Siward. A Bewit (as well as being a great pint of cider) is a slip of leather by which bells are attached to a raptors leg, used for training in falconry. So Bewit is in recognition of the history of the Dynne’s people and the origin of the manor held by Siward the falconer. This cider is truly routed in Dinnington.

Dinnington Cider Press is a true family business run by the Jaffé family, Ben Jaffé initially trained as a crop geneticist at the John Innes Centre going on to plant a standard orchard in Dinnington in 2011 with over 25 traditional West Country cider varieties. After attending a course at the Cider and Perry Academy in 2018 he then started producing craft ciders using a combination of traditional and modern methods. The ciders are made in small batches using apples harvested from his orchard and other local standard orchards on which there have been no chemical applications. Varieties of cider apple used include Kingstone Black, Fillabarrel, Tremletts Bitter, Dabinett, Foxwhelp and Crimson King. Both wild and commercial yeasts are utilised in the various fermentation techniques followed by a period of maturation.

Currently available direct from our cellar, we will be bottling a proportion of the next harvest and making those available for off sale, maybe along with a Dinnington Docks branded glass.

As you might know we keep all our beers as local as possible and we continue to invest in improving our wonderful and iconic Somerset institution. We have also fully refurbished our cellar, attaining 100% Cask Marque score for both Bar and Cellar… Good beer and cider well served and truly my passion. Bewit represent another step on that journey. The feedback from our locals and new guests alike has been amazing and a credit to Ben, his family and above all his craft as a cider maker.

Without giving the game away… another milestone will be a draft product produced just yards from the pub, but for that I need to hone my craft. More to follow on that front in the future.

How Somerset Cidermakers are Coping

Carhampton Apple Day Saturday 10th October 2020

Sheppy's win Taste of the West Awards for Cider

Somerset Cider Producer Sheppy's have won 5 awards for their ciders. For full results see:


24 Cider Cedrics Sparkling Beekeepers Marmalade Cider GOLD

24 Cider Crest Cyder Company Milly GOLD

24 Cider Dunkertons Organic Cider Black Fox Organic Cider 500ml Bottle GOLD

24 Cider Dunkertons Organic Cider Craft Organic Cider 330ml Can SILVER

24 Cider Harry's Cider Company Ltd Harry's Medium Farmhouse Cider 1 Litre Flagon SILVER

24 Cider Harry's Cider Company Ltd Harry's Mulled Cider 1 Litre Flagon SILVER

24 Cider Haywood Farm Cider Haywood Sparkling GOLD

24 Cider Haywood Farm Cider Haywood Apple and Elderflower Cider GOLD

24 Cider Haywood Farm Cider Haywood Original SILVER

24 Cider Knife, Fork, Bottle and Cork Ltd Godney Bad Apple GOLD

24 Cider Lyme Bay Winery Mulled Cider COMMENDED

24 Cider Palmers Brewery Dorset Orchards First Press Cider 20ltr BIB Alc 5.0% Vol COMMENDED

24 Cider Ridge & Furrow Cider Ridge & Furrow Cider - Medium GOLD

24 Cider Sheppys Cider Sheppy's Vintage Cider GOLD

24 Cider Sheppys Cider Sheppy's Cider with Raspberry GOLD

24 Cider Sheppys Cider Sheppy's Classic Cider GOLD

24 Cider Sheppys Cider Sheppy's 200 Special Edition GOLD

24 Cider Sheppys Cider Sheppy's Low Alcohol SILVER

Cider had its own class in the competition from the early 20th century up until the 1950s. With the boom in global cider popularity, the International Cider Awards were reinstated in 2012. The last time, however, that cider gets a decent mention in dispatches at the Brewer’s Exhibition is in 1932 when Stanley Sheppy, of Sheppy’s Cider of Bradford-on-Tone in Somerset, receives a Gold Medal for their Still Table Cider, also taking out the Champion Cider crown. Rather wonderfully Sheppy’s (an National Association of Cider Makers member) is still a family concern, with Stanely’s grandson, David, at the helm. And to fully close the loop, not only is Gold Medal Cider still being made today, but David received a Silver Medal in the Speciality Class at last week’s competition for Sheppy’s Iwood Cider.

Support Somerset Cider and Perry Producers during the Coronavirus lockdown

Most Cider and Perry Producers are offering free delivery during the Coronavirus lockdown.

Loaders Cider based at Cotford-St-Luke have re-opened for the sale of their Cider. "Out of interest", reports Phil Emond, "they also sell fantastic sausages and pork from their own raised pigs". also offer pizzas and cream teas.

Hecks & Son Cider in Street:

Try some Somerset Cider Brandy:

Legendary cider and cheese from Roger Wilkins (endorsed by Joe Strummer):

The Cider Critic

Hi, I’m James Finch, also known as The Cider Critic (on social media) and on my website at

I’ve been on a personal mission since 2011 to travel, explore and taste the breadth of what cider and perry has to offer. I’ve visited many parts of the UK, as well as abroad, from large industrial scale production to small on the farm “ring the bell for cider” set ups. The passion and tradition I’ve witnessed has been both exciting and humbling. The resilience but also the appetite for change and innovation has been inspiring.

This website is a space for me to share my reviews, recommendations and experiences of the fantastic world of cider and perry. Whether you’re new to it or a veteran, I hope there is something on here for all to enjoy. Cheers, James.

Harry's Cider Announce Cider Sunday in May 2020

After a successful Harvest and Christmas period we have managed to grab a mini break and are now gearing up for the year ahead. We had one of our best harvests with virtually every tree in the orchard bearing fruit and although the weather wasn’t kind to us we managed to press over 200 tons and send on our surplus fruit to other cidermakers. We were busy up at Bath Christmas Market for two weeks, as well as back on the farm with a constant flow of people dropping by to pick up their Christmas essentials.

Looking forward to the year ahead we have more events lined up than ever before and are looking forward to launching a new event on the farm.

On Sunday 17th March 2020 we will be welcoming guests to the farm between 11am-5pm. This is coinciding with South West Cider Week which has been launched by The South West Cidermakers Association with many other events happening across the South West.

We will have something for everyone, with cider tours, orchard walks, apple trails for the kids, as well as hot food and ice cream. This is a free event and is set to be a fantastic day engaging with those who are unfamiliar to the orcharding and cidermaking process, as well as the enthusiasts who can look forward to an expert cheese and cider pairing session with Simon O’Brien from Barbers Cheese of Ditcheat.

With the cider renaissance continuing and Somerset having such a strong heritage of cidermaking, this is the perfect day out to learn a little bit more about the history and how we do things here at Harry’s.

If you are unfortunate enough to miss this event then you can still catch us every Saturday on the farm when we are open 10am-4pm or take a look at our events page and catch up for a cider with us out on the road…

Watchet Cider Company

Watchet Cider Company are planning exciting new things for 2020. Nick Middleditch told us "During peak cider making season last year we moved to a bigger premises (terrible timing) but as a result we've produced twice as much cider as the previous year (2,500 litres) so for the first time are hoping to bottle half of that to produce three different carbonated bottled ciders and pasteurise and bag in box the rest all in one go.

This will mean we can increase shelf life and spend less time and money on packaging and maybe even enter a few competitions! We are also hoping to keg some to achieve a carbonated summer cider that will be available in Pebbles Tavern with the scrumpy farmhouse still style.

We will still exclusively selling to Pebbles Tavern in terms of pub trade, but again will be selling at the street fairs in Watchet along with farm shops and local cafes, etc. We are also hoping to supply the Watchet Music Festival this year after selling out last year and not being able to supply them. We are also hoping to do some rebranding and have some more professional labelling produced.

We still pride ourselves on handpicking every apple that goes into our cider, using 100% apple juice not from concentrate. We use apples from local orchards within West Somerset that would otherwise go to waste. We make small batches using wild yeast fermentation and blends of apples that are available at the time which makes every batch different each year.

All our cider was sulphite free last year (helps with hangovers in my opinion) and this year only our bottled cider may contain traces of sulphites to assist with shelf life and film yeast developing.

Fingers crossed anyway. Hopefully we can produce even more cider this year."

Keep up with developments at

Somerset Rich’s Cider Family Member Launches Debut Cookbook

Apple - Recipes from the orchard by James Rich is published by Hardie Grant, 8th August 2019, RRP £20 (£14 on Amazon).

James Rich from Somerset, a member of the Rich’s Cider family (, is launching a cook book this month full of almost 100 recipes featuring apple produce, from cider and juice, to vinegar and Somerset Cider Brandy.

The book has even been given the seal of approval by Jamie Oliver, himself, who said it was “a beautiful collection of recipes from a real expert - James really knows his stuff.”

Apple is a celebration of the fruit in all its forms. You’ll find Light Bites, whether that’s a nutritious breakfast of Nutty Apple Granola, or tangy Goat’s Cheese, Apple and Honey Tarts for an easy picnic lunch; Feasts soaked in cider, from a wholesome Chicken, Cider and Cheddar Crumble for supper to Braised Pork Knuckles In Cider cooked slow and steady for an added depth and enhanced flavour; Sides and Sauces where sharp and tangy flavours transform flavour combinations; Sweet Things to treat yourself with, whether it’s an Autumn Fruit Pavlova with Apple and Vanilla Cream or a refreshing Cider Sorbet on a hot day. Drinks are also not forgotten, from the summery Orchard Cocktail to the warming Cider Brandy Hot Toddy and Mulled Apple Juice with Rhubarb and Ginger.

Inspiration for the book came while James, as a teenager, worked in the cider farm restaurant, the Cider Press Restaurant. Apple combines a some old favourite recipes with a host of brand-new ideas, updating his family heritage in the kitchen for a whole new generation.

Article reproduced from the South West of England Cidermakers’ Association (SWECA) website:

Call for Greaters Support for Great British Cider

At their reception on Tuesday 4th February 2020, the National Association of Cider Makers called on MPs to support them in calling for a reduction in cider excise duty in the March Budget.

The reception, held in the terrace marquee at Westminster and hosted by the All Party Parliamentary Cider Group saw more than 100 cider makers, apple growers and others connected to the cider industry, gather together to talk to MPs and officials.

Opening the evening, Ian Liddell-Grainger, MP for Bridgwater and West Somerset and Chair of the APPCG, held aloft a cider apple as a reminder of just how important cider making is to rural communities and farming. Read more at

An Update from Tricky Cider March 2020

With the quiet season fast disappearing the cider is looking very good for 2020. We pressed 10000L more than last year with 7 varieties as singles and a number of whole orchard blends. This year I'm hoping to introduce a new cider from 3 varieties found planted to together in an ex Taunton Cider orchard near Glastonbury. Alongside the Wizard (which is a Dabinett based 3 fruit blend), Yes! will hopefully produce a naturally sweeter and lower tannin cider thanks to the Dunkertons Late Sweet as it's main constituent. As year on year the orchards change with the availability of fruit expect more prog rock inspired ciders to come! The long process of racking off has begun with the earliest blended cider pressed in late September tasting nice and not far away now.

Tree pruning has been slow so far this winter, as a fair weather pruner I seem to be good at finding other things to do on a stormy weekend, which is a shame as cutting half a ton of mistletoe out of a tree is very satisfying and essential to improve the crop long term. Hopefully March will see a bit more progress on this front, finishing the walled orchard at Netherham farm in Low Ham is a priority. Event wise the mobile bar will be out for it's first outing of the season at the Taunton Independent Market on Sunday the 8th of March, also giving me a chance to give an outing to some of my now very spicy mulled cider left over from Christmas as well as a few little gems like the Porters Perfection 2018 press which is also available at the Bank in Taunton.

In other news my 'Powered by Tricky' stickers are in circulation, look out for them on all things fast as I hope to walk the dubious line between two of my passions, alcohol and motorsport. A mention to Chris Brown Marine racing team who I am sponsoring with cider, if you like powerboat racing why not head down to Torquay on the 9th, 10th of May and find the team, you might even get a free pint of Tricky! If anyone else has an exciting hobby from skydiving to lawnmower racing and would like to be Powered by Tricky please drop me an email.

Looking forward to an exciting year and having some fun whatever happens.

Kind regards, Matt

Matt Gillett, Tricky Cider. Telephone: 07840 046363 Email: moc.redicykcirt@ofni Web:

Tricky Drinks Ltd: Registered no: 06465865 AWRS: XFAW00000112435

Higher Willand Farm, Churchstanton, Taunton, Somerset, TA3 7RL.

Somerset and South West Regional Cider Pub of the Year 2019 awarded to Pebbles Tavern in Watchet

Somerset Cider Pub of the Year 2019 awarded to Ben Allen by Bob Southwell, CAMRA South West Regional APPLE Rep.

South West Cider Pub of the Year 2019 awarded to Ben Allen by Mick Cleveland from Somerset Branch CAMRA.

Pebbles Tavern now stocks cider and perry from Torre Cider Farm in Washford as well as local Watchet Cider and the excellent Holy Water cider from Secret Orchard.

Award for Torre Cider Farm

Presentation by Chairman Mick of the certificate for Cider of the Festival for Bees Knees to Neil, Gemma and baby Maggie at Torre Cider Farm in Washford.

Presentation by Chairman Mick of the certificate for Cider of the Festival 2018 for Bees Knees to Neil, Gemma and baby Maggie at Torre Cider Farm in Washford. Torre Cider Farm are producing a perry called "Pear Ambulance" which, along with some events at the farm, will help to raise funds for Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance. Their cider and perry will be available at the Diesel Gala Beer festival at Washford Station, which will be run by Somerset Branch CAMRA in conjunction with the West Somerset Railway. The event runs for three days, from Thursday 20th June to Saturday 22nd June 2019. They have also installed a small brewery and are working on producing a real ale this year. For more information see

UPDATE: At the recent West Somerset Railway/Somerset CAMRA Washford Festival 2019, drinkers voted Pear Ambulance as the best cider or perry at the festival.

Find out all about the Re-born Taunton Cider Company

Taunton Cider Overview. And see their website at

Quantock Cider

Quantock Brewery have been working with Sheppy's cider to produce a cloudy bottled cider. Quantock Cider is a beautifully balanced, expertly crafted cloudy cider, with tonnes of aroma and flavour. You’re sure to be sold on this scrumptious number from the first sip. Serve Chilled. It is 4.% ABV and comes in 500ml bottles.

Roger Wilkins in the news

Somerset heritage cider-maker Roger Wilkins was featured in The Daily Telegraph on 4th October 2017 and this led him on to be interviewed on the Chris Evans Breakfast Show on BBC Radio 2 the next morning. On one side of his Somerset farmhouse is the 19th-century press that is still used today. The wall opposite the barrels is covered with photographs and cuttings, including a yellowing page from an old Q magazine interview with the late Clash singer, Joe Strummer. Encircled is his description of happiness: “Chilling in Somerset with a flagon of Wilkins Farmhouse Cider.” The rock star connection doesn’t stop there: Chris Jagger, brother of Rolling Stone Mick, lives next door. “Johnny Rotten, Nick Cave, Dave Gilmour – they all come here,” Roger Wilkins said. See his website at

Roger Wilkins in The Daily Telegraph 04/10/2017

New Kid on the Somerset Cider Block - Watchet Cider Co.

Available in Pebbles Tavern in Watchet. For more information see or e-mail moc.liamg@ynapmocredictehctaw.

Somerset cider Harry’s Scrummage named best in Britain by CAMRA

Above: Harry Fry from Harry's Cider with the award-winning Scrummage, named best cider in Britain by CAMRA

A Somerset craft cider has been crowned the best cider in Britain at CAMRA’s National Cider and Perry Championships. Following more than a year of local tasting panels and regional heats, Harry’s Scrummage was selected by a panel of judges as the best cider in the country. Each cider in the competition was judged on its individual taste, aroma, flavour and overall appeal.

Made by Harry’s Cider in Long Sutton near Langport, Scrummage is a blend of bittersweet and bittersharp cider apples, grown by cidermaker Harry Fry and his son Toby in the orchards on their family farm. It is a well-rounded medium cider, fresh and fruity with a golden colour. Judges described it as “a sharp but easy drinking cider that stretches to a long lingering and pleasant aftertaste.”

Cidermaker Harry Fry says, “This award is a great achievement for us, in recognition of the hard work our family team has put in over the last few years. The name ‘Scrummage’ was borne out of my passion for the game of rugby, and it felt well suited to our family ‘team’.

“We never imagined that our orchard would produce champion cider. We are all very proud, with a huge desire to continue improving our techniques and achieving further successes.”

Harry’s Scrummage is not the only cider in the range that is attracting attention, as Harry’s Dabinett sparkling cider was recently awarded a Silver award in the International Cider Challenge. The Dabinett is also the reigning champion of the Arthur Davies Cup at the British Cider Championships, presented to the overall winning cider in the taste and presentation class.

Scrummage is available in 3 litre retail pouches and 20 litre ‘bag in box’ formats via selected retailers and distributors. It can also be purchased direct from the Harry’s Cider farm in Long Sutton, which is open to the public on Saturdays between 10am and 4pm.

Harry’s Cider is a family business and fast-growing brand that produces traditional and sparkling ciders in the heart of Somerset ‘ciderland’. Based on the family farm in Long Sutton, Harry and his son are the farmers, growers, producers and processors, giving total control over the end product. For further information, visit

Recent awards:

Harry’s Scrummage:

· 2018 CAMRA National Cider and Perry Championships Gold Champion Cider

Harry’s Dabinett Cider:

· 2018 International Cider Challenge Silver Award

· 2017 British Cider Championships Gold Award

· 2017 British Cider Championships Arthur Davies Cup for Taste and Presentation

· 2017 Great Taste Awards Star

· 2017 Somerset Cider Championships Silver Award

· 2017 Taste of the West Silver Award

· 2016 International Cider Challenge Bronze Award

· 2016 South West of England Cidermakers’ Association Champion Cider

· 2016 Taste of the West Gold Award

· 2016 Cotswold Artisan Drinks Gold Award

Harry’s Original Cider:

· 2017 Taste of the West Silver Award

· 2016 British Cider Championships Silver Award

· 2016 International Cider Challenge Bronze Award

· 2016 Taste of the West Silver Award

About Harry’s Cider:

Harry’s Cider is produced by Harry Fry and his family on their farm in Long Sutton. It is a family business with its roots firmly in Somerset – five generations of Harry’s family, on both sides, have worked within agriculture in Somerset, all within 30 miles of where they are today. For more information see

Ciderthon! You may have missed it this year, but it is sure to be repeated in 2020

Although not in our region, in April 2018 and 2019 there was a Ciderthon with a route around Wells. The Ciderthon is a half-marathon with a cider taster at every mile, where you will be earning every step of your way. See for latest news.

In completing the Ciderthon, you will become a part of the heart of Somerset, experiencing the very best cider from the very best producers. You will be introduced to a community of people who work hard, play hard, and run damn hard too. And as a team you will do whatever it takes to get yourself, and others, to the finish line.

Become a CIDERTHONER: 13 miles 13 ciders. See for full details.

Quantock Brewery launches it's own Cider

Come along and taste their very own " COPPER KNOB " Craft Cider at the Brewery Tap in Bishop's Lydeard. Made exclusively for them , this much awaited gem is a fantastic addition to their range.

Secret Orchard British Cider Championship gold medalists 2017

NETTLECOMBE Court cider makers and childhood friends Joe Heley and Todd Studley have beaten off hundreds of entries to win a gold medal at the biggest cider competition in the world.

Their company, Secret Orchard Cider, won best medium cider and reserve champion in the British Cider Championships, narrowly missing out on the Supreme Champion ‘winner of winners’ award which went to a cider from Dorset.

Todd (pictured on the right) and Joe, who both grew up in Minehead, have been making cider at Nettlecombe Court for five years. Fruit from the estate is supplemented by other small local orchards and production has increased gradually each year.

Secret Orchard Farmhouse Cider from Exmoor is going from strength to strength

A small batch craft cider producer in Somerset is celebrating after releasing its best vintage to date. Secret Orchard Cider, a small-batch craft cider produced in deepest darkest Exmoor, is set to release its third vintage with a promise that it will be the biggest and best yet. Cider enthusiasts and best friends Joe Heley and Todd Studley have been perfecting their pruning, picking and pressing techniques at historic orchards on the Nettlecombe Estate since 2012. They reaped the rewards with a bumper harvest in 2015 - resulting in unprecedented quality levels and high yields.

Joe said: "We have perfected our hand-crafted methods while staying true to our principles of low intervention – for example we don't use any chemicals in the orchards or add manufactured yeasts and it's is really paying off."

Secret Orchard Cider is made in small batches from 100% juice, which means no concentrate or sulphites are used, as well as wild yeasts and fruit from a single harvest. Joe said the result is a complex yet refreshing taste which remains true to its Exmoor roots.

Secret Orchard Cider is based on the historic Nettlecombe Estate, where ancient walled orchards are surrounded by rolling hills and where he oak trees here were specially chosen for the English fleet which defeated the Spanish Armada.

The cider is made from 100% apple juice, sourced from orchards where no chemicals have been used. No concentrated syrups are used and wild yeasts provide a natural and slow fermentation.

All Secret Orchard ciders are aged for close to a year to ensure proper flavour development. This year Joe and Todd have made a dry and a sweet version of their signature cider, as well as several single variety batches for the connoisseur.

Todd said: "We are particularly proud of the single variety ciders, which are something really special; they are distinctive but also hugely drinkable.

The 2015 harvest was said to be the best for 20 years on the Nettlecombe Estate and the other West Somerset orchards that feed into the Secret Orchard brand.

As well as looking after the ancient walled orchards at Nettlecombe, Todd and Joe collect apples that would otherwise go to waste from local various orchards, giving owners cider in return.

Secret Orchard Cider will also be available at a growing number of restaurants and local stores – current stockists include Pebbles Tavern in Watchet, Reeves Restaurant in Dunster, The Old Ship Aground in Minehead, and Dunster Village Shop & Deli.

Source: Secret Orchard Cider and the Plymouth Herald

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