Beehive Inn
112 HuishYeovil
BA20 1BD

See more about this pub on CAMRA's national web site
A community pub with a children’s play area that is safe and away from the road, and a large car park at the rear. Also at the rear is a pleasant and frequently used skittle alley which doubles as a function room. Dart board in main bar and a Pool table in regular use and note the large trophy collection won by crib teams. Local version of Toad in the Hole comes out for charity gigs. Traditional pub food served, and a '5* hygiene' rating. A large file of interesting records indicating that this pub has been in existence since 1841 is readily available for customers to view. Juke box can be a bit loud at times. The pub has a strong reputation for raising money for charity. An all too-rare 'proper locals local'.