White Hart Hotel
The SquareWiveliscombe

Opening times: Mon–Thu 08:30-23:00; Fri and Sat 08:30-24:00; Sun 08:30-23:00
Regular beers:
Exmoor Fox
See more about this pub on CAMRA's national web site
The hotel is a former coaching inn dating back about 350 years and can be found in the town square. The White Hart was once owned by the Hancock family brewery and changed it's name from the Green Dragon to the White Hart in 1807. Wiveliscombe is home to the Exmoor & Cotleigh breweries and both brewery beers feature in the bar together with a guest from further afield. In addition to the food times shown the bar is open each morning and offers a breakfast and extensive coffee menu from 8:30 to 11:00. There are 16 refurbished en-suite rooms.