
Taunton Rugby Football Club

Hyde Lane
Emailku.oc.cfrnotnuat@ybgur Telephone(01823) 336363
Real AleQuiet PubGardenEvening MealsDisabled AccessGamesParkingSmoking
Opening times: Mon–Fri 18:00-22:00; Sat 18:00-23:00; Sun 12:00-15:00
Regular beers: St Austell Tribute

See more about this pub on CAMRA's national web site

The Taunton Rugby Football Club is open to nonmembers (show your CAMRA card for free entry to the bar area on match days). The large bar and dining area displays many rugby mementos and photographs. Two guest real ales, mainly from the south west, are served on handpump. A large covered area is provided for smokers. Lunchtime food is only served on match days.